
2007-10-25 6:19 pm
BB係男仔叫家和 , 請問有乜好意見 ? 謝謝!

回答 (7)

2007-10-25 6:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do you need to be the same sound of Chinese name?If not,you may use Enson,Raymond,Oscar,Kelvin ect.

2007-10-25 10:29:57 補充:
Hope these can help you ^^
2007-10-26 6:05 am
2007-10-25 7:00 pm
2007-10-25 6:37 pm
2007-10-25 6:37 pm
如果係女仔就simple啦, 叫 carol 囉!

你講得佢的中文名出來, 你咪想match返個中文名呀?!

你可以從音, C or k 字頭或w字頭查大字典的英文名欄。例如: kenny, kevin, wallace, warrent.....

譯意就難d啦。一係就完全唔相關的, 例如有, Alvin, Bobby, Douglas...........
2007-10-25 6:28 pm
maybe i can give a few choices to you, from 1-3. 1 is the best
1) Gary ( the sound like the chinese name)
2) Jonathan ( a good, nice name)
3) Max( a creative name)
2007-10-25 6:25 pm
Matthew 呀!!!

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