
2007-10-25 11:03 am
加拿大係全世界第二最大國家, 資源豐富, 儘管北面天寒地凍都應該有石油....睇返其地"大"(國家人口/面積)到"係" / "做過"/ "將來會係"世界強國...點解加拿大偏偏經濟差, 政府懦弱無能...


1. 俄羅斯 - 二戰後 - 泠戰時朝乃世界強國, 威脅歐州 (西歐, NATO), 亞州(中國邊境), 美州 (古巴飛彈危機), 工業發達

2. 美國 - 唔駛講啦.....20世紀初到依家

3. 中國 + 印度 - 經濟強國, 有潛質做未來世界強國


請用歷史/經濟/個人知識 幫我解說...:(

NO 抄WIKI / 維基, 答案中英均可

回答 (3)

2007-10-25 12:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-10-25 1:40 pm
何謂大國? 錢多? 航空母艦大? 飛機多?

每年係 memorial day 要記念既忘軍數字係幾多,你知唔知?

人, 有所謂既心靈富有。 我諗加拿大已經做到左。

* 俄國 - 係冷戰期間,民不寥生。 無個人都係無一餐溫飽。 <---強國?
** 中國/印度 - 貧富極度懸殊。 中國人係中國都得唔到基本既人道代遇既新聞,時有發生。 印度人超個 95% 既人都係絕對貧窮線上。 <-----強國?

加拿大有完善既免費教育/醫療/法律制度。 (免費醫療,連美國都做唔到)

你想住係強國印度定係弱國加拿大度? 你自己揀。

2007-10-25 11:56 am
Canada they have everything, and is the number 2 big in the world. Canada economic actually is not bad, better than USA.

Canada is one of the world&#39;s wealthiest nations with a high per capita income, a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Group of Eight (G8). Canada is a free market economy with slightly more government intervention than the United States, but much less than most European nations.

About History of Canada is a country of 32 million inhabitants that occupies the northern portion of the North American continent, and is the world&#39;s second largest country in area. Inhabited for millennia by First Nations (aboriginal), Canada has evolved from a group of European colonies into an officially bilingual (English and French), multicultural federation, having peacefully obtained sovereignty from its last colonial possessor, Great Britain. France sent the first large group of settlers in the 17th century, but Canada came to be dominated by the British until the country attained full independence in the 20th century. Its history has been affected by its inhabitants, its geography, and its relations with the outside world.
參考: Myself

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