想問present continuous and present simple的分別

2007-10-25 10:04 am
以下二句分別都是this year,為什麼一句是present continuous,一句是present simple tense?
1.My father is working in poland this year.(present continuous)
2.Our next-door neighbour is building a garage this year.(present simple )

還有為什麼句子後面有until next month 和weekends都用present simple的而不是用
(present continuous),請好心人回答一下,我要交功課,謝謝.

回答 (4)

2007-10-25 8:53 pm
第一句用this year ---今年正在工作,是持續性,
第二句用this year----今年之內完成,有時間限制,不會無止境地興建同一間車房.
用present simple tense----表示每日都做的事情,一種習慣性,永遠的事實.
until next month and weekends---在指定時間之內完成
sometime present continuous tense can be used as future tense. so here the second sentense mean he is going to build a garger this year.
2007-10-25 11:12 am
你呢度兩句都係用緊present continuous喎

但第二句就用build(present simple)會合理d,因為

present continuous用在一個特定時間裡面動作不斷發生,而現在進行的
而present continuous亦有強調現時動作的作用

present simple 用在一個特定時間發生的事

我諗你唔明既係動作(即係work,build之類)同個時間既關係,而唔係this year就一定用present simple或者present continuous,而係你有冇需要話俾人聽你呢樣野係現在進行中,如果唔洗既話,就咁present simple就ok

如果第二句用is building,就會好似變左要講你鄰居由現時到今年都起緊個車房,唔係好合理
參考: me
2007-10-25 10:49 am
1. present continuous because 現在進行 - is working
2. present simple = present tense = 現在式

Please read this website. I hope it helps


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