Grade 7 Piano Aural Exam

2007-10-25 9:43 am
My grade 7 piano exam is coming up and i'm worry about my aural part.
I've no idea what is coming up and what i've to learn....
Will anyone tell me??

回答 (3)

2007-10-27 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Part A:
Listen to the lower part of a two part phrase played by the examiner.
Part B:
To sing a short melody from score, accompanied by a lower part by the examiner,
Part C:
(i)To identify the perfect cadence(V-I/s-d), imperfect cadence(IV-I/f-d),and the interrupted cadence(V-VI/s-l).
(ii)To identify the chords forming the above cadence as tonic, subdominant, dominant,dominant seventh or submedient in root position, or tonic in second inversion.
(iii)To identify a short passage whether it modulates to its dominant, subdominant, or relative minor.
Part D:
The following information may be of help to you:
Baroque Period:
dynamics: not much contrast,
articulation: semi staccato in long notes,legato in fast notes,
harmony: used part-writing,
texture: simple and polyphonic ;
rhythm: semiquavers,quavers, crotchets,minims,sem ibreves and dotted rhythms,
form: mostly AABB ,
tempo: can be very fast,medium or very slow,
melody and tonality: used major or minor scales,
structure and style: polyphonic,
composers:Bach, Handel,Vivaldi, Scarlatti etc.
Classical Period
dynamics: some contrasts in different parts,
articulation: legato,staccato,
harmony:non part-writing,favoure d the use of 'alberti bass'(dsms) ; ;
texture: rather rich;
rhythm:quavers, semiquavers, crotchets, minims, semibreves, dotted rhythms.
form :ABA form or Sonata form;
tempo: can be very slow,medium or fast
melody :only one part/line of the music serves as melody,
tonality: major and minor scales,
structure and style: homophonic,
composers:Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart.

Romantic Period
dynamics: greater contrasts,
articulation: mostly legato , favoured the use of pedal
harmony : some appearance of chromatic chords,
texture : rich and sonorous,
rhythm: quavers, semiquavers are often seen,
form : don't have much emphasis on form,
tempo : fast, moody, romantic,
melody : usually lies on one part,
tonality : major and minor scales with some chromatic notes and modulations,
structure and style : much more chromatic notes, ornaments appeared than the Classical Period
composers : Chopin, Brhams, Tsaichovsky, Lizst etc.
20th Century

dynamics : much greater contrasts with sudden sounds appeared,
articulation : more fast and staccato notes than ever,
harmony:successive appearance of chromatic and dissonant chords can be seen,
texture : not as rich as before, some of them are very thin,
rhythm : some syncopations appeared,
form not so important as before,
tempo : suddenly fast and suddenly slow,
melody : not so obvious,
tonality: no longer use the major and minor scale systems,
structure and style: very chromatic, some of the music are even atonal;
composers: Debussy,Scheonberg,Bartok, Webern etc.

參考: Graduate of the Advanced Professional Diploma in Music Performance(Piano)(CUHK)
2007-10-25 6:37 pm
AURAL要特別TRAIN, 你要請老師幫你啦。
2007-10-25 1:03 pm

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