questions about 2 simple experiments

2007-10-25 7:46 am
1. I blew a balloon. Then, I stuck several adhesive papers on the surface of it. After that, I inserted a needle into it. The balloon did not break because of the thick surface. Can you explain why the balloon did not break with more details?

2. I inserted a pencil into a plastic bag which was filled with water? Why the water did not leak out?

You may answer in Chinese or simple English. Please give me the referances if you can.
Thanks for your help!

回答 (2)

2007-10-27 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The air pressure in the balloon keep the space between the needle and the hole to a minimum until no air leak out, i.e. the balloon do not inflate (quickly). And the adhesive tape at the hole prevent the hole from breaking into a bigger one. So the balloon did not break.
The water pressure in the plastic bag keep the space between the pencil and the hole to a minimum until no water leak out (quickly), i.e. the bag do not inflate (quickly).
This two experiments show that the internal pressure of a container have the effect to resist the inflation of the container.
I hope this can help your understanding.
參考: Myself
2007-10-29 11:20 pm
It is about pressure, pressure and pressure.

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