Tokyo-inn 網上book 房

2007-10-25 7:33 am
想請問如果在tokyo-inn的網頁book 房, 完成咗啲步驟, 收到佢email confirmation 係唔係搞掂? 因為佢個email 啲日文display 唔到.....洗唔洗要再經網頁confirm??

回答 (2)

2007-10-25 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
I did try this situation before!
But No worry---even you don't print this confirmation letter, just COPY the RESERVATION NUMBER and show them when you check-in also OK!

I also live in Toyoko-Inn when I go to Japan, everytime I just tell them the reservation number is ok~~~
2007-10-27 8:18 am
佢send o左email 比你就即係confirm o左, 唔駛再confirm.
參考: 自己

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