
2007-10-25 6:09 am
請問想成為國泰空姐, 普通話係咪要好流利? 因為我d普通話其實只係ok嘅程度, 聽得明人哋講, 自己講就麻麻地, 不過英文講得都流利, 讀同寫都無問題

回答 (1)

2007-10-27 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
English must be Fluent, first interview use 1 min to introduce yourself, later 10 mins group discuession with around 9-10 interviewers. In between the group discuession you may have to listen carefully and speak clearly of what you want to contribute at the group discuession. SO take some english course before you join cx.

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