急問..香港銀行可唔可以發行"按揭證券"(mortgage bond)?

2007-10-25 5:55 am
Mortgage bond
A bond secured by a mortgage on a property. Mortgage bonds are backed by real estate or physical equipment that can be liquidated. These are usually considered high-grade, safe investments. If an issuer in default has both secured and unsecured bonds outstanding, secured bondholders are paid off first, then unsecured bondholders. Naturally, because unsecured bonds carry greater risk than secured bonds, they usually pay higher yields.

回答 (1)

2007-10-25 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
可以, 渣打銀行就曾經在九十年代中期發行個按揭證券, 不過市場反應唔理想, 結果無乜再做落去. 而且, 政府又成立了按揭公司去搞這種業務.
不過回想當年市場的確好醒, 無落疊, 否則在九七樓市爆煲時, 又有一場按揭風暴.

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