F.3 growth and depreciation

2007-10-25 4:55 am
The original price of a mobile phone was$3000. During the first year, its price dropped by 5% every 3 months. Then it depreciated 10% per month after first year. Find the value of the mobile phone after 2 years.

回答 (3)

2007-10-25 7:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Value of mibile after first year = $3,000 x (1-5%)^4=$2,443.52
Value of mobile after second year = $2,443.52 x (1-10%)^12 = $690.12 or $690
2007-10-25 8:30 pm
Its price dropped by 5% every 3 months means that its price dropped by 5% 4 times in the first year.

Therefore, the value of the mobile phone after 2 years
= $3000x(1-5%)^4 x (1-10%)^12
= $690.12
2007-10-25 5:36 am
The price in first year dropped to

The price hence after first year dropped to
參考: me

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