
2007-10-25 4:47 am

用過"IE toolbar > 工具 > 網制網路選項... > internet temporary file 的方法,但copy的檔案后看不到片,



回答 (4)

2007-10-25 6:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Try orbit downloader:



How to Download Flash Video?
Use Orbit Downloader as Flash Video Downloader

How to Download Flash Video?

Use Orbit Downloader as Flash Video Downloader Orbit Downloader is a free Flash Video downloader which can help you to download Flash Video from any sites with great speed. Make iFilm.com for example, this tutorial show you how to download Flash Video from iFilm. Also Orbit Downloader can download and manage Flash Video from almost all of video-sharing websites like YouTube, Dailymotion, Myspace, Google, Yahoo, Metacafe, iFilm, TV Links ...

(1) Hover your mouse on the playing iFilm's Flash video, making The Ultimate Fighter - Season 5 - Bad Blood for example, you will see a small button appeared near your mouse, like this:


(2) Click the 'GetIt' button, then the Grab++ will be run.
(i) When you first run the Grab++, it will noctify you refresh the page to grab the playing iFilm's Flash video. ( if the Grab++ has been run before you play the iFilm's Flash video, the hint dialog will not be displayed. )


(ii) Close the 'Hint' dialog. Then refresh (press F5 or ctrl+F5 in your browser or click the 'Refresh' button in your browser) the webpage, you will find that the playing iFilm's Flash video has been grabbed and listed in the Grab++ interface:


(3) Select the iFilm's Flash video in the Grab++ list then click ' Download...' button, Orbit Downloader will download the selected iFilm's Flash video for you.




(1) You could run Grab++ to start sniffer BEFORE playing the Flash video in webpage. If Grab++ don't capture the Flash video, try refresh the page and make sure the Flash video is PLAYING..
(2) And lots of FLV players are in software download sites. Or you can download one of them athere.

Download Orbit Downloader


Relate Link - Use Orbit Downloader as Social Video Downloader

Use Orbit Downloader as YouTube Video Downloader - How to download YouTube Video?
Use Orbit Downloader as Myspace Video Downloader - How to download Myspace Video?
Use Orbit Downloader as Dailymotion Video Downloader - How to download Dailymotion Video?
Use Orbit Downloader as Metacafe Video Downloader - How to download Metacafe Video?
Use Orbit Downloader as Google Video Downloader - How to download Google Video?
Use Orbit Downloader as iFilm Video Downloader - How to download iFilm Video?
Use Orbit Downloader as Break Video Downloader - How to download Break Video?
Use Orbit Downloader as Yahoo Video Downloader - How to download Yahoo Video?
Use Orbit Downloader as Videolog Video Downloader - How to download Videolog Video?
Use Orbit Downloader as TV Links Video Downloader - How to download TV Links Video?
Use Orbit Downloader as FLV Video Downloader - How to download FLV Video?
Use Orbit Downloader as Flash Video Downloader - How to download Flash Video?

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Youtube, Myspace Video , Dailymotion , Metacafe , Google , iFilm , Yahoo Video , FLV , Flash Video , Pandora , Radioblogclub , IMEEM , Yahoo Music , Myspace Music , iJigg, Break ...


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2007-10-25 5:03 am
你可以試下儲存個網站 (檔案...另存新檔)


如果唔得,就試下去空白位置按右制,然後儲存. (另存目標)


參考: 我囉!
2007-10-25 4:54 am
2007-10-25 4:50 am
internet temporary file會將你近期去過所有網站裡面既所有file copy落黎, 可以找找
試試 "IE toolbar > 工具 > 網制網路選項... > internet temporary file 框中的設定... > 檢視檔案"
找找你的flash game個file....sort by "類型" 或 "上次存取日" 會易D找, 通常都係 *.swf
drag 落 desktop就可以喇~!

再唔係如果你識原始碼既, 你可以直接check佢個網存位置, 然後dl落黎呀!
right click個網 > 檢視原始檔

其實有好多其他file都可以用哩招, 有時有D網頁呀, blog呀 D bg music好正, 你都可以咁樣dl佢落黎!

A simple method (from http://hk.knowledge. yahoo.com/question/? qid=7006071300733):

下載 youtube 影片4部曲!

1) 先在 http://www.youtube.c om/ 找要下載的影片, 然後 highlight URL, 按 Ctrl + C 把它 copy.

2) 到 http://kej.tw/flvret riever/, 在上方輸入影片 URL (影片link), 然後按 Retrieve Now!

3) 然後在下方的連結, 按右鍵選擇另存新檔,存檔完畢後將副檔名改為 .flv

4) 用 ImToo MPEG Encoder 等轉片程式, 把 .flv format (e.g. divx avi) 轉為一般的 video format 便可!

-------------------- ---------

More alternatives were suggested by Repairsy at http://hk.knowledge. yahoo.com/question/? qid=7006053001875:

可以幫你 download 到個檔案 (係一個 flv 檔案黎既)
http://kej.tw/flvret riever/

download 完之後,可以用 SUPER

Simplified Universal Player Encoder & Renderer
http://www.erightsof t.com/SUPER.html#Dnl oad

如果係轉 mpeg (VCD)

Select the Output Centainer 果度
選 mpg VCD Compliant

拉果個 flv 入去就得
又或者按 mouse 右制 『Add Multimedia File(s)』
選返之後 download 既 flv 檔
最後就按 『Encode』

小編: Candice | 六月 28, 2006 on 10:21 am | 分類 密技百樂門 |

最近大家可能常常會在網路上看到人家轉貼YouTube或GoogleVideo的影片網址,很多人看完影片後,可能會很想把其中某些影片下載下來,由於 這些Flash作成的影片與一般影音檔不同,無法使用一般下載方式直接將檔案下載回來,那究竟該怎樣才能把他下載回來呢?


第1步 首先,開啟你要下載的YouTube影片網頁,在該網頁的網址列中將網址全選使其反白後,在上面按一下滑鼠右鍵,再點選選單中的【複製】,將YouTube影片檔的網頁位址複製下來。

第2步 接著開啟「KEEPVID」這個網站,網址為「http://keepvid.com/」,開啟網頁後,直接在中間的方框中貼上剛剛的YouTube網 址,然後在右邊的下拉選單中點選【YouTube】,然後再按下〔DOWNLOAD〕按鈕,將YouTube網頁轉換成真正的Flash影片檔位址。

第3步 此時,網頁中間的「Download」方塊便會出現「Loading …….」字樣,稍等一段時間,讓網站解析真正的下載位址後,便會出現一個「›› Download Link ‹‹」超連結,在該連結上按一下滑鼠右鍵,再點選「另存目標」,將該影片檔另外儲存下來。

第4步 接著會出現一個「另存新檔」對話盒,選擇好要存檔的位置後,存檔前,必須在「檔名」欄位中將原本的副檔名改為「.flv」,然後再按下〔儲存〕按鈕,將檔 案儲存成「.flv」檔案格式。或者你也可以下載後,再手動將檔案重新命名為附檔是「.flv」的檔案格式。(.flv是一種Flash影片檔的格式)


第1步 下載回來的影片檔並無法直接播放,不過我們可以另外下載免費的FLV影片播放程式來播。你可以到「http://www.wimpyplay er.com」網站中尋找並下載「Wimpy Standalone FLV Player」軟體,或直接「按這裡」下載檔案。下載回來後,請直接執行「flvplayer_setup.exe」完成軟體安裝工作。

第2步 安裝好軟體後,我們可以直接將之前下載回來的「.flv」影片檔用滑鼠左鍵拖拉到「FLV Player」播放器的視窗中,即可直接播放影片內容,相當方便簡單。以後,有了這兩個工具的輔助,我們便可很簡單的就將YouTube網站中的影片下載回來慢慢欣賞囉!

※ 相關資訊

․Wimpy Standalone FLV Player:首頁 檔案下載
參考: 3抄2

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