
2007-10-25 3:21 am
1) physiotherapy而家既前景係味好好?政府有年年請人嗎?
2) 將來通常可以係邊做? 起薪點大約幾多?
3) 你在邊間大學讀?好唔好?
4) Poly ok 嗎? AL DE BCC入唔唔入到,得11.8分.
上年Average AL score 12.2
如果DE CCC呢?
5) HKU既中醫(BChinMed)你知唔知....好唔好ga?
50th Percentile C C D D C
6) BChinMed好D定係physiotherapy好D?
報jupas ,如果有DE CCC
1) Poly physiotherapy
2) HKU既中醫(BChinMed)
3) Poly nursing

7) Poly nursing好D定係HKU?
8) 有無其他建議?

回答 (2)

2007-10-25 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.not much good. although government employ 20-30 persons, after 1 yr contract,u will be thrown out and need find another job. the employed person need good least 2nd Hons,1st division.

most of physio find job not in in hospital, the boss of physio dept are young...around 40yrs old....only they retired, we can promoted....they still have 10-20 played in that time..we r old.

2.public hospital: around 17000 with allowance 2000 the starting point. ouside around 16000-17000.........u can do in private clinic,hospital,non government organization..mainly

3. in hk.....only polyu have it. quite good..
4. as i am 2001 grad........i know these yrs changed much on the my need first choice....after it......the 20 choice also can study it...i thk your result can la........i am similar with u..i am BCDDD ja....i remember Bio is needed

5.中醫developed it is more rare i thk ja
6. i thk 中醫..
. Nurse good is vvvv easy to find job.......wage good ka.......but the nature of job is more interesting

my choice: 1. chinese medicine,2. nurse.3. physio i like money
7. i thk HKU .....i heard polyu nursing more practical but the brand name HKU,CU more gd
8. medical field is good ka...........your choice quite good la....i thk if u like is good choice u can know your body..
2007-10-25 5:57 am
1. 未至於好好, 但好轉中, 政府年年都有請人
2. 醫管局、私院、安老院、非牟利機構、私人診所、醫療集團, $12000-$19000
3. 理大, 好!
4. ok, 入得
5. 中醫出路窄, 政府冇提倡, 之前先有班畢業生叫苦連天
6. PT好d
nursing 最易搵工, 唔使休, 邊間好d答唔到你, 不過多數要輪班工作, PT就唔使

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