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Aaliyah Islamic G Highest, most exalted one Origin: Arabic *
Aaqil Islamic B Wise, judicious, intelligent, prudent
Aarif Islamic B Learned, expert, authority, saint
Aaron Hebrew B A mountain; a tower of strength; In the Old Testament, the elder brother of Moses who helped lead the Hebrews out of Egypt.
Aase Danish G Tree-covered mountain
Aasir Islamic B Captivating, fascinating
Aba African G Born on Thursday
Aban Islamic B Clear, distant
Abarran Basque B Father of a multitude
Abarrane Basque G Feminine for Abraham; Father of a multitude (Abarne)
Abbaad Islamic B Worshipper (Abbad)
Abbas Islamic B Ancestor of the Abbasid dynasty of the Islamic empire who ruled as caliphs of Baghdad (750–1258). He was the maternal uncle of the prophet Mohammed.
A rich merchant of Mecca, he was at first hostile to his nephew, but ultimately became one of the chief adherents of Islam.
Abdhija Hindu G Born in sea, Goddess Lakshmi
Abduh Islamic B An epithet of Muhammad.
Abdullah Islamic B Servant of Allah. (Abdallah)
Abedabun Nativeamerican G Peep of the day
Abel Hebrew B Biblical character, the second son of Adam and Eve. He is described as a shepherd, whose offering God accepts; but he was then murdered by his brother, Cain. Mythological
Abellona Danish G Manly
Abeni African G Girl prayed for
Abequa Nativeamerican G She stays home (Abeque)
Abetzi Nativeamerican G Yellow leaf
Abey Nativeamerican G Leaf
Abeytu Nativeamerican G Green leaf
Abha Hindu G Luster, shine Origin: Sanskrit
Abharan Hindu B Jewel