
2007-10-25 1:33 am
媽媽在8月份發現有腫瘤已經抗散到腦,現在右手不能動,說話不清楚日日在床上,有什麼可以幫助OR藥物,DOCTOR 話沒有什麼可以做.

回答 (2)

2007-10-25 3:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
我有一位朋友都係癌症擴散了,我都介紹中醫給他,現在都穩定下來,如你需要我可以send一的資料給你,好嗎?我知個個中醫教授係(專治腫瘤科),既然西醫無辦法你都不坊試下中醫.其實調理下都係好架.親媽媽未去到惡化既地步,儘早求醫!我希望幫到你,你考慮下啦! @__@
2007-10-26 1:47 am
Hello. The most important thing is to try an alternative way to help your 媽媽. The reason is that your doctor already admitted that there is 沒有什麼可以做. It is difficult for any traditional doctors to admit that.

You can definitely try Chinese medicine. I'd also suggest you to try Naturopathy (自然療法) which is a natural way to help any sickness. Much of it is related to nutritions and habits. Please keep in mind that if it takes some time for the body to degrade, it would also take the body some time to recover. That is no magic cure for any diseases. But, at the very least, we don't want to make the situation worse.

Mental support for your 媽媽 is very important. It is always helpful to have a relatively positive mindset and believe that a relatively better future is coming.

There are some starting points here:


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