d 野好大碟呀, 冇可能吃得到 - ORAL 點講 ?

2007-10-25 12:24 am
1. 如題目

2. 如果想再加強語氣, 跟本係冇可能食得落咁大份野, 應該加咩字, 同係邊個位置

回答 (2)

2007-10-25 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
The portion of the dishes are huge. It is impossible to finish it!

I think if you want to use stronger tone, you have to say it with your own voice with facial expression. The sentence itself already imply the impossiblity of finishing the dishes by using exclamation mark and the adjective of huge to describe the dishes are big.

Hope this helps!
2007-10-25 1:22 am
It's too heavy! I have no way to finish it .

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