Result of a scicnce experiment

2007-10-24 11:38 pm
Q. Does a small amount of water cool down faster than a large amount of water?

1.Ask your teacher to half fill one of the beakers with hot water and to fill the other beaker almost to the top
2. Record the temperature of the water in each beaker straight away.
3. In every 30 sec measure the temperatures of the water in each beaker. Do this for 10 min.

Can anyone write me a full response of the result to this experiment?

回答 (1)

2007-10-25 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案

個人覺得這個是跟surface area 同 volume的關係密切d .

原則上 大杯的會比細杯的冷得快。

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