英文e-mail ~ 急,唔該晒

2007-10-24 6:56 pm

可唔可以幫我釋左佢做英文呀 ~ 唔該晒 ~

回答 (4)

2007-10-24 7:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Because he can't contact you, so he want us to forward the below/attached
email to you.


Because he can't contact you, so he want to forward the below/attached
email to you through us.
2007-10-24 7:32 pm
As he cannot get in touch with you, so he would like us to forward the following email to you.
2007-10-24 7:02 pm
We forward this e-mail to you as he cannot contact you.
As he cannot contact you, we forward this e-mail to you.
2007-10-24 7:00 pm
Since he is unable to contact you, so I am forwarding this email to you.

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