
2007-10-24 4:53 pm

回答 (6)

2007-10-25 3:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It depends if you want to have a broad or a precise discussion.
I'd just assume that you are looking for general discussion.

I think I'll just give you a list of some of the different areas in philosophy you can consider:

Metaphysics-Cosmology & Ontology
Concerning: Where do we come from, What is universe, What is human nature, etc.
Questions such as: Is there God? Who/What is God?

Concerning: Where can we get knowledge, What truth, etc.
Questions such as: Can we trust what our senses tell us about? Would anything around me is merely illusion, and if so, what can I do?

Concerning: What is just, What is moral, etc.
Questions such as: Is abortion justifiable? Should we have capital punishment?

You can also talk about things like political philosophy, which means
Concerning: What is the best political system for the society, etc.
Questions like: Is Communism good for the society? Is Capitalism better?

From the above areas, pick one that u are most interested in and narrow it down to the point which is suitable for ur assignment...
2007-10-26 9:07 am
2007-10-25 8:16 am
2007-10-25 7:26 am
參考: 自己的經驗,還望指正
2007-10-24 8:54 pm
一 日 有 個 男 人 殺 死 了 一 個 女 人,男 人 當 時 滿 手 鮮 血,被 官 府 捕 獲,但 是 官 府 人 員 沒 法 証 實,男 人 手 裡 的 血 是 人 血 或 是 豬 血,只 好 釋 放 了 那 位 男 人.

現 在 想 問 那 位 男 人 有 否 殺 了 人?

以 上 是 一 條 生 活 哲 學.
2007-10-24 8:45 pm
參考: me

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