Looking for a song call "ONE DAY"

2007-10-24 8:44 am
Please provide any website to download a song call "ONE DAY", this is very old song, I can't remember who sing the song, but I can remember the lyric " I close my eyes, and I see you now......... One day, I must find you again, my love.........

Thank you

回答 (1)

2007-10-24 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
One Day 原為新西蘭歌手 John Rowles的60年代末名曲。
(Reed /Mason)

I close my eyes and I see you now
The way once in a while
You smile, a tender smile for me
But now this smile has gone
I'm alone and I lie here on my own
Just wishing for the memories that
I have known

One day I must find you again, my love
One day guess I'll hang on till then, my love
May be tomorrow, there'll be an end
To all this sorrow
I'll find my way, one day

And with this hand, I would touch your face
And when you used to cry
In these two arms, you'd lie with me
But now I have to face
Empty years, all the worries, all the fears
With a broken heart, let's trying to stop

One day I must find you again, my love
One day guess I'll hang on till then, my love
May be tomorrow, there'll be an end
To all this sorrow
I'll find my way, one day
One day

I can't give you the link because it is an infringement of copyright. Sorry about that.

2007-10-24 10:43:45 補充:
It is difficult to find a link as well.

2007-10-24 10:46:34 補充:

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