[[15分,難]]compare物理性質of SiO2 with those of CO2

2007-10-24 7:04 am
SiO2 has a very high m.p and b.p
but CO2 has a quite low b.p

Si and C are both group 4 element
Why their dioxide behave so diferently?
I know this is due to their structure,

can anyone explain to me why SiO2 forms a giant covalent structure while CO2 forms a molecular structure???

回答 (2)

2007-10-24 8:07 am
sio2 -巨型共價網狀結構
呢個結構係因為 由第1粒 si 同o2痴埋果陣仲有位..
而co2 好簡單.. 1粒c+o2已經滿足左外層=8e
2007-10-24 7:24 am
my english is too bad so i use chinese to explain

SiO2 係石英

石英的原子和原子之間不斷形成共價鍵,最後生成 巨型共價網狀結構

(need many many power to 破壞共價鍵)

所以SiO2 has a very high m.p and b.p


簡單分子結構由分子組成 分子和分子之間有微弱的范德華引力 (容易破壞)

所以CO2 has a quite low b.p
參考: 上堂阿sir教

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