
2007-10-24 5:33 am
tell me about the good things and the bad things of living in the country

回答 (2)

2007-10-24 7:14 pm
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Hope you can find the good and bad things of living in rural areas (countryside) from the following article:
Rural areas (also referred to as "the country", countryside) are sparsely settled places away from the influence of large cities. Such areas are distinct from more intensively settled urban and suburban areas, and also from unsettled lands such as outback, American Old West or wilderness. Inhabitants live in villages, hamlets, on farms and in other isolated houses.
In modern usage, rural areas can have an agricultural character, though many rural areas are characterized by an economy based on logging, mining, petroleum and natural gas exploration, or tourism.
Lifestyles in rural areas are different from those in urban areas, mainly because limited services, especially public services are available. Governmental services like police, schools, fire stations, and libraries are generally available, but may be limited in scope, or unavailable in remote communities. Utilities like water, sewerage, street lighting, and public waste management are generally present in the larger settlements. Public transport is usually limited or absent and many people use their own vehicles. If this is impractical, they may walk or ride an animal such as a horse, donkey, or camel depending on where they live.

參考: wiki
2007-10-25 6:49 am
Good things of living in the country:
-The air is more fresh; less artificial rubbish;
-The environment is more silent and peaceful; less cars thus less noisy;
-No unhealthy junk food such as chips etc., unless you make it yourself;
-In general, the neigbours are more friendly and will help you not for money;
Bad things of living in the country:
-More primitive; may be no avaibility of mobile phones, broad-band internet services, air-conditioning, etc.
-More risk in case of illness or injury because far away from hospitals;
-More risk in case of fire or crime becasuse far away from fire and police stations;
I have tried my best to help you.

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