what is Chlorpheniramine

2007-10-24 4:44 am
what is Chlorpheniramine

回答 (4)

2007-10-24 4:56 am
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Chlorphenamine (INN) or chlorpheniramine (USAN, former BAN), commonly marketed as its salt chlorphenamine maleate (CPM; Chlor-Trimeton®, Piriton®, Chlor-Tripolon®), is a first-generation antihistamine used in the prevention of the symptoms of allergic conditions such as rhinitis and urticaria. Its sedative effects are relatively weak compared to other first-generation antihistamines.

Chlorphenamine has antidepressant properties, inhibiting reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Based on this knowledge, the Swedish company Astra AB was able to derive the first marketed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, zimelidine, from chlorphenamine.

2007-10-23 20:57:50 補充:
氯苯那敏(Chlorpheniramine),又稱撲爾敏,是一種用於過敏症狀的藥物,屬於第一代組胺H1受體拮抗劑(又稱抗組織胺),化學式C16H19N2Cl。生產藥品時,通常使用其鹽類馬來酸氯苯那敏(Chlorpheniramine maleate)。適應症及用量減輕過敏症狀,例如過敏性鼻炎(包括花粉症)、蕁麻疹等。氯苯那敏可減輕流鼻涕及噴嚏。用於口服時,成人劑量通常是每4至6小時服4毫克。不良反應主要是容易令人產生睡意,其它比較常見的不良反應有頭痛、小便滯留、口乾、腸胃不適等。
參考: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2007-10-24 4:50 am
It is an antihistaminic compound, C20 H23 ClN2 O4, used in treating the symptoms of allergies.
2007-10-24 4:49 am
學名:Chlorpheniramine (氯苯那敏)


藥理與效用: Chlorpheniramine (氯苯那敏)為抗組織胺藥物: 可緩解各種過敏的症狀 (如過敏性鼻炎、皮膚搔癢及藥物引起的過敏反應等)。 可治療及緩解蕁麻疹。 可緩解花粉症(枯草熱)或刺激氣味引起的症狀(如鼻黏膜水腫、充血、鼻塞、鼻癢、噴嚏、大量鼻黏液分泌等)。

常見副作用: 昏睡、眩暈、口乾、視力模糊、腸胃不適等。

注意事項: 因此藥有昏睡及眩暈的副作用,故服藥期間不宜駕駛或操作機械。 患有前列腺增生症、尿液瀦留、閉角型青光眼、幽門或十二指腸梗阻的病人須慎用此藥,因可能會使病情惡化。

相互作用: 酒精及中樞神經抑制劑(如鎮靜劑、催眠藥及抗抑鬱藥物等)可加深此藥的中樞抑制作用。
2007-10-24 4:47 am
can't find!sorry

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