幫我翻釋英文 水的英文 急~10分

2007-10-24 4:16 am


回答 (4)

2007-10-24 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
The event happened on Friday's morning. The Ko's family, mother and daughter, had quarrel as usual because of the stuff. Both of them said they would like to exchange their bodies and lived in a relaxing way. Their "wish" came true. They exchanged their bodies accidentally. However, the mother Tracy and her fiance would have their wedding party the coming Saturday. They had to solve this problem as soon as possible.
2007-10-24 4:32 am
The story occurs in the strange Friday morning. High family two mother and daughter one like former for trivial matters but conflict, two people fight were mad said the hope turns opposite party, simpler relaxed life. Had not thought... They unexpectedly "desire" Cheng Chen! Two people's desires outside areas have exchanged the body, but the mother peaceful silk and fiance's wedding ceremony will be held to Saturday, they will have to solve this difficult problem as soon as possible!
2007-10-24 4:27 am
about water 的有: sea ocean river
2007-10-24 4:21 am

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