Why legislation on chemical substances is necessary?

2007-10-24 2:40 am
Why legislation on chemical substances is necessary?

回答 (1)

2007-10-27 2:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
With legislation on chemical substances, the necessary information on the safe use of substances is transmitted along the industrial supply chain leading to reduced risks for workers, for consumers, and for the environment. As a result, health and the environment will be protected by reduceing chemical related disease and will allow users and consumers to make informed choices about the substances they come in contact with.
Encourage innovation and give a strong incentive to industry to replace dangerous chemicals with safer ones. Use-specific authorisations will be required for chemicals that cause cancer, mutations or reproduction problems, or that accumulate in our bodies and in the environment. Authorisation will be granted only to companies that can show that the risks are adequately controlled or if social and economic benefits outweigh the risks and suitable alternative substances do not exist.
Moreover, the risk for illegal use of dangerous substances will be reduced as those substances will be evaluated and level of control will be determined in order to be the most beneficial to the society.
參考: Myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:06:41
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