我想自己替換顯示卡入手提電腦 有咩要注意同邊隻卡好(20分)

2007-10-24 2:19 am
我想換走張內置DISPLAY卡 換張新顯示卡(我係手提電腦)
但係我要點做 會唔會好難整好易整壞?? 有冇店舖係幫人換?

仲有nvidia最迎係咩型號 ?7300好唔好?係唔係一定部部電腦都裝到?我vista

回答 (2)

2007-10-24 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Unless your notebook is BTO (Build to Order), otherwise, I never hear notebook can change the display card... unless damage and ask for repaire... but should be same model... and also, if your notebook is build-in display card, that mean display card onboard... you have no slot to add display card. Even you have.. you must know that,the notebook case MUST need the same size output ...
Therefore, don't think you can change the notebook display card...
2007-10-24 2:33 am
nvidia 7300是很好的,但是要更換是有一定程度的風險,你最好找一些大公司更換,如HP,ASUS,Acer,但切勿自行更換.
參考: Me

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