Oral English, pls translate to Chinese, thx

2007-10-24 12:59 am
如果人地問你上次出 trip 點, 如何用英文回答呢, 係咪全部用哂 past tense 呢 ?

1) 佢地個個都好有心機教我點做, 亦解釋得好詳細, 而且我一有吾明就即刻問佢地,而家間中都會遇到一d復習既問題, 所以我都會send message 問番佢地應該點答

2) 佢地好好, 每日放工後都幫我安排節目, 有一晚我去左看溜冰比賽

回答 (1)

2007-10-24 2:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)All of them have a kind-hearted that the always teach us how to do, and explain it clearly. Alos, if I have any questions, I will ask them. Now, I have some difficult questions sometimes, so I will send a message to ask them how to solve the problems.

2)They are kind. They organised things for me to do evry night after I come back from work. I went to watch Ice-Skating Show one night.

hope i can help you la~^^

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