前男友還帶著我送給他的手飾, 有什麼意思?

2007-10-23 10:59 am
前男友還帶著我送給他的手飾, 有什麼意思?

回答 (3)

2007-10-23 2:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
只是一種記念的東西,它代表著一份友情的記念罷。就算無帶你送給他的手飾,他也可以不忘記你們曾經經歷過的事情。他只是一個念舊的人。 ( 普通朋友, Ex Girl friends 也可以 記注)
2007-10-23 12:18 pm
i am still wearing a watch from my ex. ex. bf....(6 yrs ago)
nothing special, the watch is still good, the style is not bad, and we separete without any argument... so, no need to throw that away...
i guess ur ex. may think about the same thing...
2007-10-23 11:10 am
可能無乜特別意思o架, 只不過係習慣左無除到o者. 又或者客觀的睇法, 佢鍾意件首飾o既款式呢.

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