Sterotypes :) ...understanding drama people?

2007-10-23 12:07 am
When it comes to sterotypes, there's a bunch of them. But drama people, oh boy :)

It's hard to understand them. When it comes to body language, facial expressions, eye contact, little things like that- they're so over-dramatic it's hard to get mental notes from them if they're interested in you. I'm into this one guy, who's REALLY dramatic. It's cute though, but really tough to understand him. Any advice when it comes to this stuff?

I mean drama as in theather and plays. He loves doing those, and acts out in his everyday life.

回答 (17)

2007-10-23 12:13 am
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I was what we called a "drama geek" in high school...but none of us acted how you are describing.

I would steer clear of overly dramatic people like obviously has overflowed from the stage into his life and that is NEVER fun. The line has not been drawn for these people. Iam assuming that this is in high school, so they need to know that life is NOT a stage and to leave the dramatics for the performances on the stage, not real life.
2007-10-23 7:14 am
Drama Queen and Kings...I know a few...tend to be paranoid people.
They strive conflict in their life, so they cause problems with people around them to have something to witness.
They lie, get in fights, and talk behind other peoples backs.

I had a friend who was a HUGE drama queen...And one night, she calls me at 3 in the morning cause she is drunk at a party and needs someone to get her.
So I go to pick her up.
I take her to my house.
I make her pancakes to help her feel better
And I hold her hair out of her face the whole night long.

Two days later, we are driving around in her car and she starts yelling at me, she said "You are a horrible friend! I was having fun and you made me leave the party! I didn't ask you to help! Get out of my car!!!"

And she stopped the car and pushed me the middle of the highway.

I didn't own a cellphone at the time, but someone pulled over for me to use their phone....the next time I saw her, she tried to yell at me again...and I ended up punching her straight in the face....

Now that I think about it, maybe I should not have dont that...but it sure made me feel better.
2007-10-23 7:12 am
there two different kinds ones that dramatize the truth and others that find or create drama youd have to figure out which one he is

if u want to get to know him theres one thing they ussually dont dramatize their interests.

to understand him u just need to hang out with him and his friends a little see what theyre like and what theyre into

u need to become a bit of a drama person yourself or atleast hangout with them
2007-10-23 7:11 am
Are you talking about drama queens or people in drama at school? If it's about drama queens I avoid them and drama like an STD
2007-10-23 7:11 am
Life is drama. Ever thought its just a bad habit that can be broken easily?

Talk to him about it. If he's into you he WILL change.
2007-10-23 7:24 am
With personalities that over dramatic many times develop into histrionic personality disorders....

Diagnostic Criteria

A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

1. is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention
2. interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior
3. displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions
4. consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self
5. has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail
6. shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion
7. is suggestible, i.e., easily influenced by others or circumstances
8. considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are
2007-10-23 7:24 am
Lol! If the guy is interested in you, no matter how dramatic he is, he'll ask you out...

I'm interesting a guy too. He's can be really happy in the morning but pissed off in the afternoon or he has different personalities every day I get to talk him.

I agree with you, it's cute but sometimes it get annoying because you don't know when he's going to lash out.

The thing is, are you willing to let this guy into your life with so much drama. Because it will make your life into drama too.

Well, for me if he's in a bad mood, I wouldn't bother him that much because he'll say he's in a bad mood which means stay away. Of course I will ask but when it comes to a point he doesn't want to say it then leave it. I guess you gotta be expect something will come up anytime. It is hard to understand and there's really no way to understand guys like that. If they want to share they will, if not then change the subject on something else.
2007-10-23 7:14 am
Guys like all women. If you know that you are at least a 7 out of 10 then he likes you... Don't even ask him out, just tell him where you want to go and he will be there... panting like a dog...
2007-10-23 7:12 am
Actors, and aspiring actors, are trained to deceive. That's their job. Reading a good actor is very difficult, even for a professional. My advice: go out with someone normal.
2007-10-23 7:10 am

Drama is bad. Don't get into it. A lot of people (Once they get older & more mature) hate drama. Sometimes it's hard to get out of but, don't let yourself get caught up into it.

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