F.4 maths *c

2007-10-23 7:59 am
10. Given f(x)=(k+1)‧x^2 +2kx+(k-2) and f(x)=0 has real roots.
a)Find the range of possible values of k.
b (i) For the minimum value of k,solve f(x)=0
(ii) Find a Quad. equation in x whose roots are the reciprocals of the roots of f(x)=0

回答 (2)

2007-10-23 8:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since the given quadratic equation has real roots, the discriminant is great than or equal to 0.
(2k)^2 - 4(k+1)(k-2) > = 0
4k^2 - 4(k^2-k-2) > = 0
4k^2 - 4k^2 + 4k + 8 >= 0
4k + 8 >= 0
4k >= -8
k >= -2

For k = -2,f(x)=0 becomes -x^2 -4x -4 =0.
x^2 +4x +4 =0.
(x+2)^2 = 0
x = -2 (repeated)

Let the roots of f(x)=0 be α and β.
α + β: -2k/(k+1)
α β: (k-2)/(k+1)

Let the roots of the required equation be (1/α) and (1/β)
(1/α)+(1/β): (α + β)/(α β) = -2k/(k-2)
(1/α)(1/β): 1/(α β) = (k+1)/(k-2)

The required equation is
x^2 + [2k/(k-2)] x + [(k+1)/(k-2)] = 0
(k-2)x^2 + 2kx + (k+1) = 0

If there is a mistake, please infrom me!

2007-10-23 00:15:07 補充:
If there is a mistake, please inform me!
參考: My Maths knowledge
2007-10-23 8:17 am
f(x)=(k+1)‧x^2 +2kx+(k-2) = 0 has real roots.
(a) Discriminant = (2k)^2 - 4(k+1)(k-2) >= 0
4k^2 - (4k^2 - k -2) >0
k+2 >= 0

(b)(i) For k>=-2, the minimum value of k is -2.
f(x) = -x^2-4x-4 = 0
x^2 + 4x+4 = 0
(x+2)^2 = 0
x= -2
(ii) The roots required are -1/2 and -1/2
Hence the equation is (x+1/2)^2 = 0
x^2 + x + 1/4 = 0
i.e. 4x^2 + 4x + 1 = 0

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