我想問關於global warming!

2007-10-23 6:34 am
global warming對天氣有咩short term 同埋 long term既影響呀!?

回答 (1)

2007-10-27 8:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
higher the evaporation rate and result in more precipitation.
As thers is more precipitation in the coastal area , it may detroyed farmland .

temperature will be increase since the solar radiation cannot reflected to the space. So it may result in rise in sea level . When the ice located at north pole and south pole are melting quicikly , the coastal region and low-lying area will be inundate causing loss of life.

As the temperature become hotter , the wild life cannot adpat the environment . Therefore it may result inextinction.Also effect the biodiversity of the earth.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 23:36:39
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