Direct speech to Indirect speech 的句子 急!!!

2007-10-23 6:02 am
1)She asked the stranger, 'Can you tell me the time?'
2)Dr.Tong said, 'How is your husband, Mrs. Chan?'
3)'What is your name?' He said to the little girl.
4)The mother asked Peter, 'How many books do you have?'
5)My brother asked John, 'Have you seen my bag?'
6)The teacher said to Jame, 'May l borrow your book?'
7)Mary and Joan said, 'Ted, will you help us tomorrow?'
8)Joe said to Peter,'Am l your best friend?'

回答 (2)

2007-10-23 6:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.She asked the stranger if he could told her the time.
2.Dr.Tong asked Mrs. Chan how was her husband.
3.He asked the little girl's name.
4.The mother asked Peter how many books he had.
5.My brother asked John if he ad seen his bag.
6.The teacher asked Jame if he/she might borrow her book.
7.Mary and John asked Ted if he would help them the next day.
8.Doe asked Peter if she was his best friend.

2007-10-22 22:11:28 補充:
第8應該係Joe asked Peter if he was his best friend.
參考: 自己
2007-10-23 6:14 am
1. She asked the stranger if he could tell her the time.
2. Dr.Tong asked Mrs.Chan how was her husband.
3. He asked the little girl what was her name.
4. The mother asked Peter how many books he had.
5. My brother asked John if he had seen his bag.
6. The teacher asked Jame if he/she might borrow his book.
7. Mary and John asked Ted if he would help them the next day.
8. Joe asked Peter if he was his best friend.

2007-10-22 22:22:12 補充:
樓上打錯字5.) 系 had,不是 ad仲有,could 之後用 told???......多多指教.......

2007-10-22 22:23:42 補充:
Jame 系女子borrow his book改為borrow her book不好意思....

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