
2007-10-23 2:27 am
我想問 be+ing 同will有咩分別???
 仲有點解有時 be+ing後面係有next個d

e.g. Mike is starting at a new school next term.

咁佢地有咩分別(wll同e.g. Mike is starting at a new school next term.)


回答 (1)

2007-10-23 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
I can;t type chi, sor.

The difference between is be+ing means the decision is already made, sb is going to sth in a mean time.

But will is only a thought in your head, you may not do it at last. And will can be used for a longer future time (10, 20....even 100 years) but be+going is in a shorter period

i think i m right

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