
2007-10-23 2:23 am


回答 (2)

2007-10-23 3:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
The name 葉皓欣:
葉 = 엽 (yeop)
皓 = 호 (ho)
欣 = 흔 (heun)
「努力」 = 노력 (no ryeok)
The verb is 노력하다 (no ryeo ka da)
But if you want to tell others to 努力! 加油!! you may say:
Fighting!! = 파이팅!! (pa i ting) / 화이팅!! (hwa i ting)
or 힘내세요!! (him nae se yo)

2007-10-27 12:39:29 補充:
l checked with my 中韓辭典 and one of the meanings is:엽 = 성(姓)의 하나 (one of the surname)l checked with the internet and there are:충주 엽 (忠州 葉)경주 엽 (慶州 葉)

2007-10-27 12:49:45 補充:
中韓辭典 didnt state 섭 is the surname but the internet dictionary stated 섭 = 땅의 이름 (name of land) and it is true that 섭 can be surname:수원 섭 (水原 葉)경주 섭 (慶州 葉)
2007-10-27 7:25 pm
表示樹葉的意思時 엽(yeop , 普通話中 ye)
表示人的姓氏時 섭(seop, 普通話中 xie)
所以 人名"葉皓欣"就是섭호흔(seop ho heun)

努力就是노력(努力-no lyeok)
但想講"加油"時 你該講"힘내세요(him nae se yo)" 或 "파이팅(fighting)"
參考: 吾係韓國人也.

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