
2007-10-23 1:50 am

回答 (1)

2007-10-23 4:18 am
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Of course! If we want to find a lifelong partner, undoubtedly we want he/she to be at least pleasant looking. But things don't always to be that pleasant. Yet, to me , I think my future wife will be definitely pretty and beautiful. Since I believe the cosmetic surgeries and mark-up will be so facinating in the future. Maybe in the future we can actually choose different genetic tonics to alter our face, our body shape to suit the guidelines of perfect beauty. You see, that's why everyone will be beautiful ,like every dolls that resemble the same characteristics. Isn't it "splendid"? I really wonder what is the meaning of beauty in the future if beauty can be man-made. I really hope people will be no longer focusing on their physical appearances. Instead they really should look inside to their hearts, to see their inner self and preserve their true beauties----- virtues.
Thank you very much!

Hope it can help you out!
參考: My own work Hope you like it

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