
2007-10-23 1:41 am
我想明年初三(2/9)出發,兩個人,想租車玩,我只去過Gold Coast,朋友未去過澳洲!預算8-10日及$35,000,可以點玩?我地想動與靜都有D!!麻煩晒!!另外柏斯有朋友可以住,但柏斯好似唔順路.....(我地未試過自由行)

我未買機票,因為剛剛開始計劃,係米跟團比較化算?Thanks a lot!

回答 (2)

2007-10-25 8:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
想先問你們買了機票沒有 ??? 農曆新年的機票超貴 !!! 而且超 full, 如果你們現在還沒有出票, 恐怕有點難度. 農曆年期間往澳洲的來回機票大約是每位 HK$10,000.00. 如果你們的 budget 是需要計算機票, 那麼就可以說肯定不夠了 !!
租車方面, 如果你們只有 2 人, 租車未必化算, 因為澳洲的內陸航班算比較便宜, 而且方便. 加上如果你們會考慮前往大堡嶕的話, 租車更加無用... 因為開恩茲離最近的大城市布里斯本也有 2 小時半的機程, 駕車需要 1 天時間, 相信你也不希望浪費時間於交通上.
簡單一點, 我會建議你去 3 - 4 天開恩茲 (大堡嶕), 另外再選擇悉尼和墨爾本作遊覽, 這樣便可動靜皆宜.
在大堡嶕, 可以安排一天出海潛水睇珊瑚, 另一天則可上山睇當地原住民表演, 熱帶雨林和吊車等等. 如果再想玩多一點, 玩有熱氣球等等活動. 在悉尼和墨爾本可參觀市內的景點. 也可到市郊的各風景名勝, 例如藍山, 十二門徙, Philippe Island 等等. 柏斯就不順路了...
35,000 的 budget, 如果是 2 個人共用, 就會比較緊, 畢竟酒店飲食等等都比較貴.

2007-10-28 02:58:51 補充:
跟團是否化算就睇你點睇啦. 價格來說跟團一定比自由行便宜的, 但就沒有什麼自由啦...
2007-11-01 11:36 pm

1. You have to decide whether you want to visit the East Coast (Queensland, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne) or your friend (Perth). If you visit your friend, you can save the accomodation expense. Otherwise, you can go to the East Coast.

2. Your budget is AU$4850.00.
a. If you join HK tour, e.g. Wing On Travel, ACM09X 9 Days Gold Coast, Great
Barrier Reef, Sydeny and Melbourne costs ~HK$16,099.00 (01/11/2007)which is
within budget.
b. If you are a backpacker, you should consider going to one or two states. I
suggest either Sydney and Queensland OR Sydney and Melbourne.

3. This is my wild guess of the 8 days budgeting, you may double check when you book the tickets, motels and car rent.

AU$1300.00 x 2 people (Cathay Pacific round trip ticketHK-Sydney)
AU$300.00 x 2 people (Virgin Blue round trip ticket Sydney-Melbourne) or
AU$500.00 x 2 people (VIrgin Blue round trip ticket Sydney-Cairns)
AU$135.00 x 7 nights (Accomodation, expensive in Sydney & hot sightseeing spots)
AU$10.00 x 20 meals x 2 (Various, you may eat cheaper or more expensive)
AU$100.00 x 3 days (Depends on the car type, petrol and insurance)
AU$5.00(Positive Buffer-Melbourne)
-AU$?(Negative Buffer-Cairns)
Total: AU$4850.00 (Of course, if you spend less in accomodation, you can spend more in others).

My comment:
This budget is really tight, specially on the accomodation and food.
Accomodation: You can cut down the costs if you stay in the hostel or really cheap motel but consider the safety. Within this budget, It's hard to find in Sydney, try Y Hotel (YMCA) Sydney.
Food: AU$10.00 per meal can have a bowl of noodles or a HK style cafe meal in some places. Of course, if you have McDonald's, you can have nice meals sometimes.

4. Others
a. Weather: February is hot in Melbourne, it's even hotter in Queensland and Sydney
b. Costs of living: Sydney is expensive, hot sightseeing spots are expensive too.
c. If the activity involved admission tickets, your budget needs to adjust.
d. Motel and parking in Sydney CBD are so expensive.

5. Itineries
a. Sydney and Melbourne
Day 1 Sydney CBD, Opera House, Darling Harbour (by train)
Day 2 Fish Market (by train and tram)
Day 3 Manly Beach (by train and ferry)
Day 4 Blue Mountain (by car)
Day 5 Flight to Melbourne, Melb CBD, Parliament House, Eureka Tower, Crown
Casino, Rialto Tower (walking or by tram)
Day 6 Philip Island (by car)
Day 7 Great Ocean Road or Grampian(by car)
Day 8 Flight to Sydney and Flight to HK

b. Sydney and Queensland
Day 1 - 4 As above.
Day 5 Flight to Cairns
Day 6 Great barrier reef - inner reef snorkeling & diving day tours
Day 7 Water Rafting
Day 8 As Above

6. Useful Web sites are
Transportation: http://www.europcar.com.au or http:www.avis.com.au
Accomodation: http://wotif.com.au or http://www.hotelclub.net/
Currency Converter: http://finance.yahoo.com/currency
Map: http://www.whereis.com.au

Australia travelling experences: Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast, Tasmania
參考: Myself, Australia travelling experences: Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast, Tasmania

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