聽日恒指會唔會再跌呢? 有冇平貨可以掃?

2007-10-23 12:33 am
聽日恒指會唔會再跌呢? 有冇平貨可以掃?

回答 (3)

2007-10-23 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
I advice u to buy 347, 2628, 1171.

347 is the best share for steel industry, has direct relationship with 2008 Olypmic. It has gone from $39 to now $31, very valuable to buy. I think it will go up to $50 in short or middle term before 2008 Olypmic.

2628 is needless to say a superstar share. The price now is reasonable, but not as attractive as 347, but if u buy now there is not much a risk. It will rise to $60 in short term.

1171 is way behind 1898 and 1088, the price now is very attrative. the price of 1898 is around $25, but 1171 is around $16. I personally think that it is as good as 1898 and I think it will rise to $20 easily

If the market drops again tomorrow, u can consider buying the above shares. I will buy more if tomorrow the market drops again.

This is just my opinion, there are still a lot of shares that are very good, e.g., 941, 2318, 2328, 1919, 358, but I think they are too expensive for now.

Good luck
2007-10-23 6:21 am
如無意外, 現至月底仍會下試低位, 破28000點, 所以睇定d.
要買都買龍頭, eg: 857, ($18入); 2328 ($16入); 941 ($138入), 2899($12入), 358($27入),
2007-10-23 1:25 am
唔好見佢大跌就亂咁入貨, haha

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