2004 Volvo S60

2007-10-22 11:10 pm
I wanna buy a 2nd hand 2004 Volvo S60. I have the following questions:-

1/ Is the maintenance fee high?
2/ I am worried about the minor problems such as air-con or hi-fi system.. what are the most frequent defects that you see on a volvo car?
3/ as far as I know volvo does not use V5 so is the noise of engine loud when you drive?
4/ How are the 2nd hand market go for Volvo?? Does it depreciate a lot every year?


回答 (1)

2007-10-23 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 原廠修理好貴. 去車房會平好多, 要介紹就PM我啦.
2) 近年造工都算好, 問題唔大. 冷氣和HIFI都無乜問題.
3) VOLVO用T5, 比V5正. 另外, 如果係自然吸氣的2.4L, 基本上都幾好, 唔係太嘈.
4) 唔係咁掂. 係呀. 不過買得部VOLVO, 就算係二手, 你都可以用十年八年. 而且個新車樣都唔會變.

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