會計問題 ~ sell fixed assets

2007-10-22 7:30 pm
如果 fixed assets ~ $ 413062.41
acc depn ~ $159492.52

現在sell 出一部份 $20500


對不起!! 我的問題不夠詳細 是由 $ 413062.41 中 sell出了 20500. 賣出的一年不計 depn

回答 (3)

2007-10-24 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
做disposal有四個步驟, 分別是:
1. 紀錄售出固定資產的cost
Dr: Disposal of Fixed Assets
Cr: Fixed assets (入cost of purchase+plus capital expenditure, 即$20,500)
2. 將disposal的累績折舊放入disposal
Dr: accumulated depreciation
Cr: Disposal of Fixed Assets
(因為159492.52係所有資產的累績折舊, 所以這裡要入的金額會比159492.52少. 因為你沒有提供關於disposal的購買日期, financial year end, 折舊計算方法, useful life等資料, 所以累積折舊請你自己計.)
3. 紀錄收錢
Dr: Cash/Bank
Cr: Disposal of Fixed Assets (入你收到幾多$)
4. P/L of disposal
如果Cash received>NBV of disposal=Profit
dr: Disposal of Fixed Assets
cr: Profit and Loss account (Cash rec'd-NBV of disposal)
如果Cash received<NBV of disposal=Loss
Dr: Profit and Loss account (Cash rec'd-NBV of disposal)
cr: Disposal of Fixed Assets
2007-10-22 9:51 pm
請問&quot;現在sell 出一部份 $20500&quot;是甚麼意思?
2007-10-22 9:16 pm
you sold which part ar? if no relevant cost and acc depn, it is not possible to make correct JV.

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