急問LED 光束直接對望,會否傷害眼睛?

2007-10-22 1:46 pm
我朋友送左一個gift俾我,係LED 光束鎖匙扣電筒,可以發出紅光,可以顯示時間及日期,但我好奇,開著電筒,直接對望,研究點解會顯示日期及時間,及照埋我的小朋友對眼睛,同佢玩,因為最初以為係電筒,所以急問會否眼睛受傷害?

回答 (2)

2007-10-22 10:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Accidient shine LED torch into eye will not cause permanent damage. But if your eyes were always shined, it could cause serious hurts.
LED (light emmiting dioide) is much brighter then conventional light bulb with the same power supply. But it would not cause same damage as laser do. Direct shining LED light of daily applicants like torvh into eye may cause a temporatory damage, usually can recover.
Daily used laser pointers (semiconductor laser) can cause a serious damage.
Laser is a focus beam, energy density is very high, you can imaginate that the sun light shined on an area 1 square meter is concentrated in 1 square mm. While LED is almost same as strong sun light.
2007-10-23 3:28 pm
.........me too

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