
2007-10-22 12:51 pm

回答 (3)

2007-10-23 8:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello! There are some plan details that has to be paid attention:

1. the first preliminary account period is 36 months instead of 24 months.
2. the extention account has to have 1500 US dollar minimum to take the preimum hoilday.
3. Fund saving is a long-term habit. It is difficult to see a remarkable return in a short period of time.
4. The world stock market has exhibited a shock during the CDO (US Housing loan) risk in August. This may affect the return in this short period of time.
5. I have joined the same plan in August, 2007, but I have a return of 650 US dollar with a capital of 1800 US dollar only (the fee is already deducted).

Regarding further detail, myemail box is [email protected].
2007-10-22 11:18 pm
朋友, 點解你重會中招? 我已經好努力在分享我錯誤的投資 - 買AIA的基金投資計劃, 唉! 你如果你仲係係冷靜期內, 快d cut左張單, 攞返d錢, 如果你已過左冷靜期, 咁就真係無辦法. 除非你唔要之前所供落既錢, 咁都可以cut 左飧單.

我提議你供完一定要供的月份, 好似26個月後, 就馬上停供 (即選擇保費假期). 你經AGENT入張表就得, 重有, 千萬不要聽經記講, 分散多隻基金, 資金一定要集中一. 兩隻高回報, 高波幅的基金, 例如HSBC 印度, AIA 拉丁美, 美林拉丁美, 首域中國等等. 要集中因為AIA 既收費計算係越散越貴. 我用呢個方法先追到少少, 就當買咗隻表現差既基金.
2007-10-22 6:22 pm
當你開始時已決定左計劃年期, 係無得改既. 如果你仲係o係冷靜期內, 可以先cut左張單, 攞返d錢, 然後再從新開過另一個年期短d既計劃. 如果你已過左冷靜期, 咁就真係無辦法. 除非你唔要之前所供落既錢, 咁都可以cut 左佢既.

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