
2007-10-22 11:50 am




回答 (3)

2007-10-22 2:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) for HK high school i'm not sure about it but maths and physics is a must to become a pilot....... to university there is a degree call bachelor of aviation. BAv are split into 2 stream-flying and management. For flying stream after 3 years you will get an ATPL forzen CIR and an optional course of your choice ( instructor rating. aerobatic, jet)
for management is all theory and mangement stuff.

2) bachelor degree is good enough

3) well is hard to answer you this but CPL will be harder because every CPL holder must pass PPL i think

If you want more info or have more question you can email or msn me: [email protected]
參考: Me
2007-10-25 4:57 am
其實香港國泰航空的機師要求只需要中學畢業,不過理科生 (science,例如 physics, chemistry, aerodynamics...) 會優先選擇
=> 是 預科畢業http://www.cathaypacific.com/cpa/en_INTL/careers/flying/cadetpilot_requirements
2007-10-24 2:08 am
其實香港國泰航空的機師要求只需要中學畢業,不過理科生 (science,例如 physics, chemistry, aerodynamics...) 會優先選擇

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