taipei times 翻譯 (急)

2007-10-23 2:29 am
MOFA decriese attack in Seattle.

ECCENTRIC LEVEL:Following another incident involving Chinese
intimidation of Taiwanese at an international event, the DPP demanded an
apology from Beijing.

P.S 不要翻譯機翻的.

回答 (3)

2007-10-23 4:13 am
✔ 最佳答案

你的跟 Taipei Times的有點出入.

MOFA decriese attack in Seattle.
MOFA (外交部?) 對在西雅圖的攻擊表示強烈的不滿.
decriese 應該是 decries.

ECCENTRIC LEVEL: Following another incident involving Chinese intimidation of Taiwanese at an international event, the DPP demanded an apology from Beijing.
奇怪/不尋常的地步/程度: 在另一個牽涉中國人在一個國際活動中恐嚇台灣人後,民進黨要求北京道歉.
參考: 自己
2007-10-23 4:03 am

MOFA( Minister of Foreign Affairs) decriese attack in Seattle.

ECCENTRIC LEVEL:Following another incident involving Chinese
intimidation of Taiwanese at an international event, the DPP(Democratic Progressive Party) demanded an
apology from Beijing.


參考: nono
2007-10-23 2:49 am
MOFA decriese 攻擊在西雅圖。

異常LEVEL: 隨後而來其它事件介入臺灣人的Chineseintimidation 在一次國際事件, DPP 要求了anapology 從北京。
參考: 網路

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