紐西蘭南島 Dunedin, Fox Glacier , Mt cook & Greymouth 之問

2007-10-22 6:10 am
請問除左 Dunedin有得睇野生企鵝, 邊度仲有得睇(要之便去的)...另外個朱古力廠直吳直得去呢? 個度仲有D咩地方直得去ga?

仲有Fox Glacier 和 Franz Josef 邊個靚D ga? 12月仲有冇冰ga? 由Fox Glacier 去 Lake Matheson 又點去呢?有冇團 join ga 由Fox Glacier ? ( or 點去呢? on foot ? )

另外 Mt cook 12月仲有無雪係山頂呢?

仲有請問Greymouth 個個 Dragons Blackwater Cave Rafting 好吳好玩? Thanks very much

回答 (1)

2007-10-29 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yellow-eyed penguins can found in Dunedin.. Also you can find penguins in Oamaru as well, but not as many as Duendin (Dunedin drive to Oamare about 1 -1.5hrs)

Cadbury World (chocolate factory) you can buy tickets from information center. (From information center to Cadbury World about 5-8mins.)
Cadbury World operates seven days a week throughout the year. Factory tours run every half hour from 9am to 4pm. Operational tours extended to 7pm in summer.

Where should go in Dunedin:
The University of Otago - Founded in 1869, New Zealand’s oldest and largest university.
Larnach Castle - only castle in NZ open for public
Baldwin Street (north dunedin) - World steepest street

pls check: http://www.dunedinnz.com or http://www.cityofdunedin.com to find more information about Dunedin

Franz Josef is in Fox Glacier.. so they r the same place... you can take tour on foot or by helicopter. you can book ticket from motel or information center.. last time I went there was in May.. i think if u go up to the top of the Mt. then u can see snow.. if not i think a bit hard.. cos Dec. in NZ is summer time.

http://www.newzealand.com/travel/i-sites/i-sites_home.cfm (informtaion center, this is nationalwide.. you can book any accommodation, tour, transport etc in NZ, they have over 80 vistor center incl all internation airports, normally free for booking charge)
http://www.intercity.co.nz/ (NZ national coach)
參考: living in NZ

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