
2007-10-22 5:28 am
幫幫忙 教一教我 如果有時間 幫我改一改 謝謝~
例如 我想表達
以前响香港果時 我成日都出街玩(如行街、落酒吧、卡拉OK、打街機、網吧) 已經玩到厭哂 而且 香港既娛樂多過依個國家好多
對依d娛樂已經無乜興趣 所以唔怕悶 可以全心留在家溫書

回答 (3)

2007-10-22 8:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When I lived in Hong Kong, I used to go out a lot, for example, shopping, hanging out at the bars, going to the video arcades and internet cafe, etc. I am already fed up with these activities and I lose my interest in them.

I can concentrate on my study since entertainments here are a lot less interesting than those in Hong Kong. They do not attract me.
2007-10-22 8:55 am
1.When I lived in Hong Kong in the old days, I used to go out to play (e.g. go shopping,go to pubs,go to sing karaoke, 打街機 , 網吧).Moreover, there were a lot of entertainment in Hong Kong more than this country. I am tired of these entertainment a little.

2.I am not interested in these entertainment so much, I am used to be alone without any entertainment , I don't feel bored so much. Although these entertainment make me feel very happy, at this moment, I prefer studing to amusing myself.
2007-10-22 5:36 am
In the old days,I alway go out(shopping,singing,play games,internet coffer shop)I don't play them
I don't playthem,I feel boried,so I can reading at home
參考: me

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