英文Oral test,幫幫手!(急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急)

2007-10-22 3:44 am
我聽日就要測啦,我又諗唔到講咩好,求下你地幫下我,題目係"Your friend",要講一分鐘(即係大概100字啦)!求求你地幫下我!唔該曬!!!

回答 (6)

2007-10-22 4:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
you can talk about the life with your friend, how the life is?
How you friend is ? e.g. kind , honest
also you can share some options with your friend
when you meet him/her??
how to meet him/her??
Goodmorning, everyone, i would like to introduce my best friend , Billy, he is very kind , nice and honest. I am very happy to have a school life with him. When did i meet him? hmm, it is about 3 years ago, when i met him, he was quite quiet. As i want to met him, then i asked him some questions about him initatively. At last, We shared our thing each other, Therefore , we can make best friend through the talking. Now, we still have connection between us, and play together, work together. Billy, my best friend, has teach me many things, he teach me don't be given up when meet some difficults.He can give me faith to me. So i want to give Thankyou to him here, Thank you, my best friend...

Hope you can get high marks
2008-11-16 3:19 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和www.fast - beauty.6289.us
[email protected]
2007-10-22 4:49 am
Everyone have their best friends. For me, I would like to introduce you my best friend, Monnie.
We met since we were both studying in Form 1. We go to school, play and share our secrets together. When I feel depressed by some obstacles or unhappy matters, she will always be with me and comfort me.
However, she will study abroad after the Form 5. But, it doesn't matter to our friendship, as we will keep in touch by e-mail.
Thank you.
2007-10-22 3:57 am
2007-10-22 3:50 am
My friend is Emma.She is very nice.She help me with my homework.
參考: book
2007-10-22 3:50 am
有埋題目都驚?my friend,就先用中文講下你最好既朋友,或者想想點解你地會咁fd.再將中文轉到英文,記得簡單既英文就係對自己最有保障既.表達到意思就得.唔洗想得太複雜架^^

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