送分題!what is dog

2007-10-21 11:17 pm
what is dog ?

回答 (6)

2007-10-21 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 狗
He keeps a dog to guard the house.
2. 雄狗;(狐,狼等的)雄獸
3. 【口】傢伙
He is a lucky dog.
4. 【口】無賴,流氓
5. 【美】【俚】失敗;失望
6. 【美】【俚】蹩腳貨;醜女人
7. 成本高於利潤的產品
1. (災難等)纏住
Injuries dogged the football team all season.
2. 尾隨,跟蹤
The police dogged the suspected thief.
1. 極度地,非常

–noun 1. a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties.
2. any carnivore of the dogfamily Canidae, having prominent canine teeth and, in the wild state, a long and slender muzzle, a deep-chested muscular body, a bushy tail, and large, erect ears. Compare canid.
3. the male of such an animal.
4. any of various animals resembling a dog.
5. a despicable man or youth.
6. Informal. a fellow in general: a lucky dog.
7. dogs, Slang. feet.
8. Slang. a. something worthless or of extremely poor quality: That used car you bought is a dog.
b. an utter failure; flop: Critics say his new play is a dog.

9. Slang. an ugly, boring, or crude person.
10. Slang. hot dog.
11. (initial capital letter) Astronomy. either of two constellations, Canis Major or Canis Minor.
12. Machinery. a. any of various mechanical devices, as for gripping or holding something.
b. a projection on a moving part for moving steadily or for tripping another part with which it engages.

13. Also called gripper, nipper. Metalworking. a device on a drawbench for drawing the work through the die.
14. a cramp binding together two timbers.
15. an iron bar driven into a stone or timber to provide a means of lifting it.
16. an andiron; firedog.
17. Meteorology. a sundog or fogdog.
18. a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter D.
–verb (used with object) 19. to follow or track like a dog, esp. with hostile intent; hound.
20. to drive or chase with a dog or dogs.
21. Machinery. to fasten with dogs.
—Idioms22. dog it, Informal. a. to shirk one's responsibility; loaf on the job.
b. to retreat, flee, renege, etc.: a sponsor who dogged it when needed most.

23. go to the dogs, Informal. to deteriorate; degenerate morally or physically: This neighborhood is going to the dogs.
24. lead a dog's life, to have an unhappy or harassed existence: He maintained that he led a dog's life in the army.
25. let sleeping dogs lie, to refrain from action that would alter an existing situation for fear of causing greater problems or complexities.
26. put on the dog, Informal. to assume an attitude of wealth or importance; put on airs.


[Origin: bef. 1050; ME dogge, OE docga]

—Related forms
dogless, adjective
doglike, adjective
參考: 字典
2008-08-20 11:12 pm
dog都唔知係咩~三歲細路都知la!BB班就教ga la!
2007-10-22 12:10 am
An animal with four legs and a tail, often keep as a pet or trained for work, for example hunting or guarding buildings.狗
參考: 電子詞典
2007-10-21 11:31 pm
dog 係上黎問埋d 廢問題既人o羅!!
dog 係拎到答案之後即delet 條問題既人o羅!!
dog 即係狗o羅, dog = 不如人

what is dog??
dog is you o羅!!
即係你o羅!!!! 明冇???
2007-10-21 11:26 pm
2007-10-21 11:20 pm
Dog is 狗!

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