關於chem 想問下reaction[20點]

2007-10-21 10:05 pm
chem成日問A加B會有d咩發生, 又問點樣decompsit一舊野..

我指呢d equation:
即係hydrogen + Oxygen → Water
Calcium oxide + water → calcium hydroxide + heat

咁可唔可以提供多d類似以上既word equation比我睇? 即係A+B=C呢d
仲有點樣decomposit一樣野 係咪又要記哂佢?
嘩 好難..

題外話 :
1. Magnesium can be extracted by?
2. How to change calcium carbonate to limewater?

thanks X 10^2007

咁可唔可以提供大部分既化學變化? 考試大路或比較多出既就得

回答 (2)

2007-10-26 3:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
我認為要,但你最重要背考試d equation
我覺得d equation 其實唔係咁難背,因為有好多equation出o既product差唔多~
eg. potassium+oxygen→potassium oxide, copper+oxygen→copper oxide(呢d equation 來白reactivity of metal)
我個人會背哂d equation~
至於d equation 暫且不提供,因為你識左d equation但你唔明,費是搞到你越唔明~
1.magnesite is ore of magnesium carbonate can be extracted by electrolysis because magnesium is a quite reactive metal
2.First, heating the calcium carbonate to change white power called quicklime(calcium oxide) Equation is calcium carbonate →(heat) calcium oxide+carbon dioxide
Then add water to calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide forms.
Equation is calcium oxide+water→calcium hydroxide
calcium hydroxide is slaked lime that slightly soluble in water. The saturated solution formed is called limewater.
參考: me and my chm book
2007-10-21 10:29 pm
一. 無可能記得所有的化學變化。
二. 請不要本末倒置,化學的反應式是由實驗所得的,所以化學堂才會有實驗。
三. 除非興趣外,記了考試所需的方程就肯了。

Sodium + Oxygen -> Sodium oxide + Heat
Copper + con. Sulfuric acid -> Copper sulfate + Sulfur dioxide + Water + Heat
.......... etc.

1. Magnesium can be extracted from magnesite.
2. (i) Heat calcium carbonate for 5 min
  (ii) Put the reactant into the water.

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