
2007-10-21 5:39 pm


回答 (2)

2007-10-21 7:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案

> 上午/下午班人數 ( 有D 地方少,但學生 28之上會分班,但有D group 會無班房 just assign to a playing area)

> Lanugage used English 英文老師,國語老師,粵語老師

> Children toilet 細定大 ( consider the toliet waiting time for your paying cost fee for it ), is it clean?, will they have assistence to change the nappies for children? ( usually require parents to bring an extra clothing & 2 nappies to store in classroom

> Fee 私立 or have cash reemdem from Gov

> Music items ( any piano)

> Playing Activities ( space Large enough, what are the toys ? )

> Drawing Activities ( western style 水彩 / Chinese Style 中文書法 )

> Enrollemt Time for the 幼稚園

> transportation service

> Any classes for 幼稚園準備班 ( one parent can accompany with the child on few Sat sessions )

Best is to go to their Open Day to check and see the 幼稚園 情况 & see the teachers whether they are experience in answering your questions
2007-10-21 6:33 pm

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