
2007-10-21 9:54 am
例如:yup,ya ,yo,gd.口頭禪.這些,
因為有時和人對話都唔明人講咩下下查好慘,最有個list thank alot

回答 (2)

2007-10-21 10:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
AAMOF — As a matter of fact[3]
ADN — Any day now[4]
AFAICR/S/T — As far as I can recall / remember / see / tell[1]
AFAIK — As far as I know[5]
AFK — Away from keyboard[5]
AKA — Also known as[3]
AITR — Adult in the room[4]
AIUI — As I understand it[1]
AMHIK — Ask me how I know[6]
ANFSCD — And Now For Something Completely Different. Used to change the subject of conversation[6]
ASAP — As soon as possible[7]
ASL or A/S/L — Age / sex / location[3][8]
ATEOTD — At The End of the Day[6]
ATM — At the moment[5]
ATYS — Anything you say[3]
AWA — As well as[3]
AWOL — Absent Without (Official) Leave[1]
AYBABTU (also abbreviated as AYB) — All your base are belong to us (from the video game Zero Wing)[1]

borked — Thoroughly broken[9]
Bai — Bye[8]
B2B — Business to Business[5]
BB — Bye bye[1]
BBIAB — Be back in a bit[8]
BBIAF — Be back in a few / flash[1]
BBL/S — Be back later / shortly / soon[8]
BBQ — Be back quick[1]
BCNU — Be seein' you[5]
BF — Boy friend
BFF — Best friends forever[8]
BFFL — Best friends for life[1]
BFN — Bye for now[1]
BFFN — Best Friend For Now
Blog — Also known as web log or an online journal[1]
BOF — Beginning of file[1]
Boot — To eject someone from a chatroom. Also, see kick.[10]
BOFH — Bastard operator from hell[5]
BOHICA — Bend Over Here It Comes Again[1]
Bot — Any type of automated software in chatrooms and web-cataloguing software[11]
Br/BR — Best regards
BRB — Be right back[5]
BRT — Be right there[1]
BS — Backstab / Bullshit[1]
BSOD — Blue Screen of Death[5]
BTDT — Been there done that[8]
BTDTGTTSAWIO — Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and wore it out[12]
BTW — By the way[11]
Bump — Increment (For example, C++'s operator.)[5] or a backronym for "Bring Up My Post"[1]
BW or B/W — Between or black-and-white.[13]

CD9 — Code 9 – Parents nearby[12]
CBA — Can't Be Arsed. A term to indicate or dictate laziness.[1]
CBF — Can't Be Fucked. A term used frequently out of laziness.[14]
chown — Change owner. (used in Unix systems)[1]
CMIIW — Correct me if I'm wrong[1]
Crawl — To retrieve a web page along with the hyperlinks that reference it[11]
Crapplet — A poorly written computer application[14]
CTN — Can't Talk Now[1]
CU — See you (later)[5]
CYA — See ya OR Cover Your Ass[1]
Cyber (prefix) — A term used to connect the subsequent word loosely to the world of computers or the Internet or sex over a computer[11]
Cyberspace — Virtual reality, the Internet, the World Wide Web, and other kinds of computer systems. Science fiction author William Gibson popularized the term in his novel Neuromancer. Gibson used the word to describe a virtual world of computer networks that his cyberpunk heroes 'jacked into'[11]

DDG — Drop Dead Gorgeous[1]
DFTT — Don't feed the trolls[6]
DGAF — Don't Give A Fuck[1]
DIAF — Die in a fire[6]
DILLIGAF/D/S — Does it look like I give a flip / ***** / damn / shit[6]
DL — Download[1]
DND — Do not disturb[1]
DOA — Dead on arrival. Refers to hardware that has never worked.[5]
DW — Don't Worry.[6]

2007-10-21 02:13:44 補充:
2007-10-21 10:07 am
Atm = at the moment
gonna = going to
wanna = want to
wth = what the hell
i donno = i dont know
fd = friend
hey = hello
lol = laught out loud
2morrow = tomorrow
cya = see you
Jas = just a second
Jff = just for fun
L8r = later
Sor / Sry = sorry
u2m = you to me
Np = no problem
Btw = by the way
Sat = sorry about that

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