✔ 最佳答案
This is to certify that Mr/Miss.XXX , holder of HK ID No.XXXXXXX(X) was employed by us as (job title, e.g .secretary ) from 15th September, 2000 to 30th March, 2003.
During the period, we found that Mr/Miss XXX has performed her duties in a satisfactory and diligent manner.
We regret that he/she resigned on his/her own accord and wish him/her every success in all his/her future developement.
(1)用詞簡潔及不過火,一般公司HR都有這樣子的common practice
(3) development 比 endeavor合用。
2007-10-21 13:13:27 補充:
michelle, 不要介意用你的例子做修改。
2007-10-24 12:29:29 補充:
developement. shoud be development (typing mistake)