
2007-10-21 7:52 am
有兩盆100度o既熱水(boiling water),但兩盆o既質量唔同,

同一樣物質,但質量唔同會唔會影響傳熱速率??(唔理surface area)



回答 (2)

2007-10-21 9:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
same materials can have same rate of heat flow, independent of their mass

if both pot of water contain enough energy, they can cook the egg at the same rate
(if the mass is too small, by E=mc△T, it can cook the egg)

BUT the pressure does affect the rate of heat flow
And you say POTS(still small mass compared to oceans) of water, the water pressures built inside two pots would not be too different.

2007-10-21 13:22:30 補充:
correstion:(if the mass is too small, by E=mc△T, it CANNOT cook the egg)

2007-10-22 16:55:28 補充:
The law of heat conduction, also known as Fourier's law, stated that heat flow is independent of the material's masshowever if you consider heat loss to the surroundings, temperature of larger mass of water really decreases slower(in that case temperature varies)

2007-10-22 16:55:37 補充:
any how, rate of heat transfer(heat flow) is independent of their massgiven that pressure, surface area and temperature difference
2007-10-22 12:46 am
The pot of water with greater mass cooks the egg FASTER, because it has a larger heat capacity than the pot with smaller mass of water.
For the same amount of heat supplied to the egg, the large mass water cools down slower because of its larger heat capacity, thus maintaining a higer temperature than the smaller mass of water in the cooking process.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:26:55
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